
The following code applies to the ChickWeight Dataset, were we have a recording of each chick’s weight for a number of consecutive weeks (Time). Also, the chicks had 4 types of diet, recorded as a categorical variable. Our official aim is to apply a reliable method to predict the weight gain in new chicks in future studies. The unofficial (real) aim is to start understanding how feature selection and model training work.

Note: I adapted this script from the (considerably more complex) articles:

##      weight           Time           Chick     Diet   
##  Min.   : 35.0   Min.   : 0.00   13     : 12   1:220  
##  1st Qu.: 63.0   1st Qu.: 4.00   9      : 12   2:120  
##  Median :103.0   Median :10.00   20     : 12   3:120  
##  Mean   :121.8   Mean   :10.72   10     : 12   4:118  
##  3rd Qu.:163.8   3rd Qu.:16.00   17     : 12          
##  Max.   :373.0   Max.   :21.00   19     : 12          
##                                  (Other):506
ChickWeight %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_path(aes(x=Time, y=weight, col=Chick), show.legend = F) +
  facet_wrap(~Diet) +
  labs(subtitle = "Diet",
       caption = "Each line is an individual chick.")

Supervised Learning

Feature Engineering

One way of improving prediction is provide features to describe the time-series. For example, we can add a “lag” variable corresponding to the weight 1 week previously. We can add more than 1 lag (weight 2 weeks before, 3 weeks before…). Let’s start with 1 lag.

cw_ml <- %>%
  group_by(Chick) %>%
  mutate(weight_1U_ago=lag(weight, 1),
         diff_1U=weight-weight_1U_ago) %>%
## # A tibble: 6 x 6
## # Groups:   Chick [1]
##   weight  Time Chick Diet  weight_1U_ago diff_1U
##    <dbl> <dbl> <ord> <fct>         <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1     51     2 1     1                42       9
## 2     59     4 1     1                51       8
## 3     64     6 1     1                59       5
## 4     76     8 1     1                64      12
## 5     93    10 1     1                76      17
## 6    106    12 1     1                93      13

Create train and test set

We save one portion of the data (the test set) for later, to validate our analysis.

chicks <- unique(cw_ml$Chick)
## 75% of the sample size
smp_size <- floor(0.75 * length(chicks))

## set the seed to make your partition reproducible
train_chicks <- sample(seq_len(length(chicks)), size = smp_size)

train <- subset(cw_ml, Chick %in% train_chicks)
# "A" %nin% "B"
test <- subset(cw_ml, Chick %nin% train_chicks)

Build a Baseline Model

We need a baseline model to start off and compare to when we calculate the error metrics. I don’t know much of chicks weight, so I’ll take the assumption (a bit stretchy) that weight does not change across time.

# Build baseline model
train_pred <- train %>%
  group_by(Chick) %>%
  mutate(pred_bas=head(weight_1U_ago, 1))
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
## # Groups:   Chick [1]
##   weight  Time Chick Diet  weight_1U_ago diff_1U pred_bas
##    <dbl> <dbl> <ord> <fct>         <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1     51     2 1     1                42       9       42
## 2     59     4 1     1                51       8       42
## 3     64     6 1     1                59       5       42
## 4     76     8 1     1                64      12       42
## 5     93    10 1     1                76      17       42
## 6    106    12 1     1                93      13       42

Now we have to evaluate how the baseline model perform, in terms of RMSE, through cross-validation. We can consider each unit of Time as a fold.

t <- unique(train_pred$Time)
bas_error <- data.frame()
for (i in 2:length(t)) {
  tr_temp = subset(train_pred, Time==t[i])
  n = nrow(tr_temp)
  sq_d = (tr_temp$weight-tr_temp$pred_bas)^2
  s_sq_d = sum(sq_d)/n
  rmse = round(sqrt(s_sq_d), 2)
  bas_error = rbind(bas_error, 
                          N_Error=round(rmse/round(mean(tr_temp$weight), 2), 2)))
##    fold Time  Error N_Error
## 1     2    4  19.15    0.32
## 2     3    6  33.85    0.46
## 3     4    8  51.90    0.57
## 4     5   10  69.34    0.65
## 5     6   12  91.99    0.73
## 6     7   14 107.66    0.76
## 7     8   16 132.90    0.81
## 8     9   18 158.89    0.84
## 9    10   20 182.74    0.87
## 10   11   21 193.48    0.88

Total error for the model:

rmse_bas <- mean(bas_error$Error)
## [1] 104.19

Total normalised error for the model:

rmse_bas_n <- mean(bas_error$Error)/mean(train_pred$weight)
## [1] 0.8153079

The error gets bigger and bigger, because clearly this assumption does not fit the data. We can choose to improve the baseline model with various estimator, for example, we may use linear regression or random forest. In this case, we go for exponential regression.

Exponential Regression

We select the variables:

y <- train$weight
x <- cbind(train$Time, train$weight_1U_ago, train$diff_1U)

And run the model on the train set:

e_lm1 <- lm(log(y) ~ x,

We calculate the predicted values based on this model:

train_pred$predx <- predict(e_lm1)
train_pred$predx_w <- exp(train_pred$predx)

And estimate the error:

exp_error <- data.frame()
for (i in 2:length(t)) {
  tr_temp = subset(train_pred, Time==t[i])
  n = nrow(tr_temp)
  sq_d = (tr_temp$weight-tr_temp$predx_w)^2
  s_sq_d = sum(sq_d)/n
  rmse = round(sqrt(s_sq_d), 2)
  exp_error = rbind(exp_error, 
                          N_Error=round(rmse/round(mean(tr_temp$weight), 2), 2)))
##    fold Time Error N_Error
## 1     2    4  3.09    0.05
## 2     3    6  3.95    0.05
## 3     4    8  8.00    0.09
## 4     5   10 12.37    0.12
## 5     6   12 12.18    0.10
## 6     7   14 18.15    0.13
## 7     8   16 14.32    0.09
## 8     9   18 27.13    0.14
## 9    10   20 35.09    0.17
## 10   11   21 22.26    0.10

Total error for the model:

rmse_expx <- mean(exp_error$Error)

Total normalised error for the model:

rmse_expx_N <- mean(exp_error$Error)/mean(train_pred$weight)

Addind more features

The model may be further improved by adding more lag features to the dataset. Of course, adding more and more features determine a loss of data, so there is a limit that is reached when the number of features exceeds the fit to the data.

Adding a 2nd feature:

trainx <- %>%
  group_by(Chick) %>%
  mutate(weight_2U_ago=lag(weight, 2),
         diff_2U=weight-weight_2U_ago) %>%
yx <- trainx$weight
xx <- cbind(trainx$Time, trainx$weight_1U_ago, trainx$diff_1U, 
            trainx$weight_2U_ago, trainx$diff_2U)
e_lm2 <- lm(log(yx) ~ xx,
trainx$pred <- predict(e_lm2)
trainx$pred_w <- exp(trainx$pred)
exp_error <- data.frame()
for (i in 2:length(t)) {
  tr_temp = subset(trainx, Time==t[i])
  n = nrow(tr_temp)
  sq_d = (tr_temp$weight-tr_temp$pred_w)^2
  s_sq_d = sum(sq_d)/n
  rmse = (sqrt(s_sq_d))
  exp_error = rbind(exp_error, 
##    fold Time     Error    N_Error
## 1     2    4       NaN        NaN
## 2     3    6  5.651732 0.07669142
## 3     4    8  5.503049 0.06086321
## 4     5   10  8.580043 0.08096502
## 5     6   12 10.497072 0.08323670
## 6     7   14 12.885790 0.09120377
## 7     8   16 13.227979 0.08018386
## 8     9   18 23.375875 0.12395193
## 9    10   20 31.305044 0.14870685
## 10   11   21 23.238542 0.10536035

Total error for the model:

rmse_expxx <- mean(exp_error$Error, na.rm = TRUE)

Total normalised error for the model:

rmse_expxx_N <- mean(exp_error$Error, na.rm = TRUE)/mean(trainx$weight)

Adding more features/2

Adding a 3rd feature:

trainxx <- %>%
  group_by(Chick) %>%
  mutate(weight_3U_ago=lag(weight, 3),
         diff_3U=weight-weight_3U_ago) %>%
yxx <- trainxx$weight
xxx <- cbind(trainxx$Time, trainxx$weight_1U_ago, trainxx$diff_1U, 
            trainxx$weight_2U_ago, trainxx$diff_2U, 
            trainxx$weight_3U_ago, trainxx$diff_3U)
e_lm3 <- lm(log(yxx) ~ xxx,
trainxx$pred <- predict(e_lm3)
trainxx$pred_w <- exp(trainxx$pred)
exp_error <- data.frame()
for (i in 2:length(t)) {
  tr_temp = subset(trainxx, Time==t[i])
  n = nrow(tr_temp)
  sq_d = (tr_temp$weight-tr_temp$pred_w)^2
  s_sq_d = sum(sq_d)/n
  rmse = (sqrt(s_sq_d))
  exp_error = rbind(exp_error, 
##    fold Time     Error    N_Error
## 1     2    4       NaN        NaN
## 2     3    6       NaN        NaN
## 3     4    8       NaN        NaN
## 4     5   10       NaN        NaN
## 5     6   12  8.978738 0.07119704
## 6     7   14  9.722230 0.06881255
## 7     8   16 10.536730 0.06387036
## 8     9   18 16.820685 0.08919265
## 9    10   20 23.805820 0.11308364
## 10   11   21 23.469870 0.10640916

Total error for the model:

rmse_expxxx <- mean(exp_error$Error, na.rm = TRUE)

Total normalised error for the model:

rmse_expxxx_N <- mean(exp_error$Error, na.rm = TRUE)/mean(trainx$weight)


data.frame(Model=c("baseline", "exp+1f", "exp+2f", "exp+3f"), 
           RMSE=c(rmse_bas, rmse_expx, rmse_expxx, rmse_expxxx),
           "Normalised RMSE"=c(rmse_bas_n, rmse_expx_N, rmse_expxx_N, rmse_expxxx_N))
##      Model      RMSE Normalised.RMSE
## 1 baseline 104.19000       0.8153079
## 2   exp+1f  15.65400       0.1224957
## 3   exp+2f  14.91835       0.1028988
## 4   exp+3f  15.55568       0.1072948

The RMSE gets smaller by adding 1-2 features, but starts to grow again when we add 3 features, meaning we are exceeding the fit to the data. We will then test adding a categorical predictor, diet, to the model including 2 features.

Adding Predictors

xp <- cbind(trainx$Time, 
            trainx$weight_1U_ago, trainx$diff_1U, 
            trainx$weight_2U_ago, trainx$diff_2U,
e_lmp <- lm(log(yx) ~ xp,
trainx$pred_exp_p <- predict(e_lmp)
trainx$pred_exp_pw <- exp(trainx$pred_exp_p)
exp_error <- data.frame()
for (i in 2:length(t)) {
  tr_temp = subset(trainx, Time==t[i])
  n = nrow(tr_temp)
  sq_d = (tr_temp$weight-tr_temp$pred_exp_pw)^2
  s_sq_d = sum(sq_d)/n
  rmse = round(sqrt(s_sq_d), 2)
  exp_error = rbind(exp_error, 
                          N_Error=round(rmse/round(mean(tr_temp$weight), 2), 2)))
##    fold Time Error N_Error
## 1     2    4   NaN     NaN
## 2     3    6  5.18    0.07
## 3     4    8  4.51    0.05
## 4     5   10  7.62    0.07
## 5     6   12  9.69    0.08
## 6     7   14 12.05    0.09
## 7     8   16 12.11    0.07
## 8     9   18 21.26    0.11
## 9    10   20 29.31    0.14
## 10   11   21 20.00    0.09

Total error for model:

rmse_expx_p <- mean(exp_error$Error, na.rm = TRUE)

Total normalised error for model:

rmse_expx_p_N <- rmse_expx_p/mean(trainx$weight)


data.frame(Model=c("exp+2f", "exp+2f+1p"), 
           RMSE=c(rmse_expxx, rmse_expx_p),
           "Normalised RMSE"=c(rmse_expxx_N, rmse_expx_p_N))
##       Model     RMSE Normalised.RMSE
## 1    exp+2f 14.91835      0.10289880
## 2 exp+2f+1p 13.52556      0.09329207

The RMSE diminisged slightly, indicating a better predictive power.

Test Set

Testing on “unseen” data gives an indication of the bias of the model, i.e., how much it overfits the training data.

testx <- %>%
  group_by(Chick) %>%
  mutate(weight_2U_ago=lag(weight, 2),
         diff_2U=weight-weight_2U_ago) %>%
yx <- testx$weight
xp <- cbind(testx$Time, testx$weight_1U_ago, testx$diff_1U, 
            testx$weight_2U_ago, testx$diff_2U,
e_lmp_test <- lm(log(yx) ~ xp,
testx$pred_exp_p <- predict(e_lmp_test)
testx$pred_exp_pw <- exp(testx$pred_exp_p)
exp_error <- data.frame()
for (i in 2:length(t)) {
  tr_temp = subset(testx, Time==t[i])
  n = nrow(tr_temp)
  sq_d = (tr_temp$weight-tr_temp$pred_exp_pw)^2
  s_sq_d = sum(sq_d)/n
  rmse = round(sqrt(s_sq_d), 2)
  exp_error = rbind(exp_error, 
                          N_Error=round(rmse/round(mean(tr_temp$weight), 2), 2)))
##    fold Time Error N_Error
## 1     2    4   NaN     NaN
## 2     3    6  6.55    0.09
## 3     4    8  4.74    0.05
## 4     5   10  7.31    0.06
## 5     6   12  9.94    0.07
## 6     7   14 11.70    0.08
## 7     8   16 10.05    0.06
## 8     9   18 17.25    0.09
## 9    10   20 31.40    0.15
## 10   11   21 38.77    0.18

Total error for the model:

rmse_expx_p_test <- mean(exp_error$Error, na.rm = TRUE)

Total normalised error for the model:

rmse_expx_p_N_test <- rmse_expx_p_test/mean(trainx$weight)


data.frame(Model=c("exp+2f+1p (train)", "test"), 
           RMSE=c(rmse_expx_p, rmse_expx_p_test),
           "Normalised RMSE"=c(rmse_expx_p_N, rmse_expx_p_N_test))
##               Model     RMSE Normalised.RMSE
## 1 exp+2f+1p (train) 13.52556      0.09329207
## 2              test 15.30111      0.10553890

The test RMSE seems acceptable.